
The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Society of Hypertension (ESH)
Authors/Task Force Members: Bryan Williams* (ESC Chairperson) (UK),Giuseppe Mancia* (ESH Chairperson) (Italy), Wilko Spiering (The Netherlands),Enrico Agabiti Rosei (Italy), Michel Azizi (France), Michel Burnier (Switzerland),Denis L. Clement (Belgium), Antonio Coca (Spain), Giovanni de Simone (Italy),Anna Dominiczak (UK), Thomas Kahan (Sweden), Felix Mahfoud (Germany),Josep Redon (Spain), Luis Ruilope (Spain), Alberto Zanchetti† (Italy), Mary Kerins(Ireland), Sverre E. Kjeldsen (Norway), Reinhold Kreutz (Germany),Stephane Laurent (France), Gregory Y. H. Lip (UK), Richard McManus (UK),Krzysztof Narkiewicz (Poland), Frank Ruschitzka (Switzerland),Roland E. Schmieder (Germany), Evgeny Shlyakhto (Russia), Costas Tsioufis (Greece), Victor Aboyans (France), and Ileana Desormais (France)


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